Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Books that I have read or nearly onto

I am reading weirdo book 2 at the moment which is even weirder.   


In class we are learning measurement. Selena and I are learning Mass these are the things we 
weighed. To explain to you a bit more in detail i am going start off with the rock. My estimate on the rock was 25 grams. I did a bit more thinking and thought what would sort of be the same as a rock  I measured both my shoes and they were 466grams  i thought that it would be a bit heavier than them. The real thing was 655grams so I wasn't far off.  Next the brick we estimated  1 ton but once we had done it we thought that tons would probably be a bit heavy so my real estimate is about 33 kg becase i 33 kg but it would probably be a bit smaller than me so i thought about 25kg. The real thing was 4.31kg so a bit lighter than I thought. Now the leaf i know that a rubber band is lighter than a gram so i thought that a leaf would be the same and it was less than a gram so you would have to use decimals. The real thing was less than a gram. Last but not least the piece of bark we thought that it would be 0.3 grams and again we used decimals but the real thing was 2 grams.