Tuesday, June 21, 2016


In maths Lucy, Kate N and i are learning to do timetables in place value. aim really enjoying place value this week.

Extending school hours-22.6.16

Extending school hours

We already come to school for six hours per day, which is thirty hours per week. Loburn School’s proposal to extend school hours would cause problems for teachers, other families with kids going to different schools, kids and parents going to work.

Starting school earlier would mean children won’t be able to be there and ready before 8:15 some days they would be tired and grumpy. Teachers don’t like grumpy children at school. I also don’t think we would get any more work done in that extra two hours.

The reasons I think this is because that would mean children would have to go to bed earlier. That would also affect some of the teachers having to get up earlier, the bus driver having a new schedule, also other families that have other children that have to go to other schools and parents having to go to work. With parents going to work they would have to get up earlier and then they could get grumpy and tired.

Those are my reasons on why I don’t think that it’s a good idea to have an extra two hours at school. I hope now that you’ve heard my ideas that you agree with me.

Sunday, June 19, 2016


In Maths this week we are learning different ways to do our times tables i am really enjoying maths this year. Please have a look below at the video and please comment.

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Matariki Kate N and Phoebe

In Literacy this Week Kate N and i have been learning about Matariki. There are some interesting facts and some videos have a watch then give us some feedback in the comments below.

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Project 7- 8.6.16

While the year eights were at there William pike Ropes the year sevens were cleaning up the school by doing Project seven. 

Each of the year Sevens have a job and that’s their job for the whole year. We do these jobs whenever the year eights are away at William Pike or in our spare time if needed. 

 Once Mr Priddy got back from the Ropes day he was really impressed with how tidy we had made the school. 

 I was on the Strawberry plants which the school are going to sell sometime soon. We only put small strawberries in the little pots to sell and are going to re plant the big ones and grow new strawberries with those ones. We also mixed some compost with our plants that we are going to sell and we put some in the garden.

Maths- 8.6.16

In Maths this term Lucy, Kate N, Payton, Te-Kira, Ethan, EB, Archie and I are learning easier ways to work out our times tables by Halving, Doubling, Rounding and compensating. I am finding new and helpful ways to help me work out our times tables.