Wednesday, May 18, 2016

My Weekly Writing {The Great Ostrich Race}

The Great Ostrich race

She turned in the saddle and looked behind her. Emma could see the others gaining on her.

Digging in her heels, she whispered some words of encouragement in jacob the  Jacob’s ear as he burst into full speed. They were making good time, but there was so far still to go as we go up and down hills Jacob gets tired “Come On You Can Do This”! I can hear the others ostriches feet clomping up behind me i suddenly realise that we are going too slow finally we finish the hill climbing now it is a long straight.


  1. This is good you might just need to prof read it. There's a couple of mistakes that you need to fix up but other wise it's good.

  2. Where did you get the photo from and did you write the whole thing?
