Thursday, December 1, 2016


A few weeks before camp us kids found out that we were taking the responsibility to cook our groups breakfasts, lunches, teas and desserts while we were on camp.

We had $30 each and 6 people in our group.

It was quite busy sorting out the costs, what we’re going to eat, who's cooking it and who’s the assistant but we got there in the end.

Our four meals for the four days were
Dinner- American Hot dogs
Dessert- Chocolate Self Saucing pudding

Breakfast- Pancakes
Lunch- Picnic Platter
Dinner- Mac ‘n’ Cheese
Dessert- Cheese Cake

Breakfast- French Toast
Lunch- Chicken Wraps
Dinner- Stuffed Potatoes
Dessert- Jelly and Jelly Tip Ice-Cream

Breakfast- Bacon, Eggs, Hashbrowns
Lunch- Savouries

The Meals surprisingly turned out alright.

I was the head chef for the  Mac ‘n’ cheese. It turn out quite delicious with lots of different flavours. The building up to it was the hardest part and making sure everybody wasn’t going hungry.

I also was the head chef for the Self saucing pudding. It also turned out alright well all of us apart from Holly thought so. Once again the building up to it was hard but we all got feed and that’s all that matters.

I really enjoyed cooking our own food and I'd really like to again next year.

Monday, November 28, 2016

Omaka Scout Camp

Omaka Scout camp has great hospitality including a hall, dining area, kitchen with all your essentials and a tent area. Treat yourselves by coming and have a break from your annoying kids. The outdoor area has a big field for your children to run wild and play games. On the camp there is a shallow river flowing slowly which you can raft down. The camp provides the rafts for you. Omaka also provides you with different experiences of wildlife, such as friendly eels, fish and also some pretty birds. If you do decide to bring your children Omaka camp provides lots of fun adventurous activities to entertain them and maybe even you adults. There are lots of opportunities for you guys to run wild and be safe at the same time, there's lots of fun activities as I have explained earlier on. But one thing I really enjoyed when I had that experience was the water activities and hiring the people to teach kayaking and paddle boarding. I hope now you've read my advertisement of Omaka camp you will now go and have the same experience that I had.

Tent site set in beautiful trees.
Rafting down the beautiful flowing stream.
Kayaking in the calm lake.
Lovely mowed grass and big back yard.

Monday, September 19, 2016

Phoebe-Take the stage

This term we had our yearly speech competition. For this, we had about five weeks to write a speech with the topic "Have I Got Something To Tell You," and also have a presentation to go along with it. For my topic, I chose Volunteer Lesley Ottey, i thought i read my speech a bit too fast but i thought i did ok. have a listen along to it and please comment, hope you like it!

Tuesday, June 21, 2016


In maths Lucy, Kate N and i are learning to do timetables in place value. aim really enjoying place value this week.

Extending school hours-22.6.16

Extending school hours

We already come to school for six hours per day, which is thirty hours per week. Loburn School’s proposal to extend school hours would cause problems for teachers, other families with kids going to different schools, kids and parents going to work.

Starting school earlier would mean children won’t be able to be there and ready before 8:15 some days they would be tired and grumpy. Teachers don’t like grumpy children at school. I also don’t think we would get any more work done in that extra two hours.

The reasons I think this is because that would mean children would have to go to bed earlier. That would also affect some of the teachers having to get up earlier, the bus driver having a new schedule, also other families that have other children that have to go to other schools and parents having to go to work. With parents going to work they would have to get up earlier and then they could get grumpy and tired.

Those are my reasons on why I don’t think that it’s a good idea to have an extra two hours at school. I hope now that you’ve heard my ideas that you agree with me.

Sunday, June 19, 2016


In Maths this week we are learning different ways to do our times tables i am really enjoying maths this year. Please have a look below at the video and please comment.

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Matariki Kate N and Phoebe

In Literacy this Week Kate N and i have been learning about Matariki. There are some interesting facts and some videos have a watch then give us some feedback in the comments below.

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Project 7- 8.6.16

While the year eights were at there William pike Ropes the year sevens were cleaning up the school by doing Project seven. 

Each of the year Sevens have a job and that’s their job for the whole year. We do these jobs whenever the year eights are away at William Pike or in our spare time if needed. 

 Once Mr Priddy got back from the Ropes day he was really impressed with how tidy we had made the school. 

 I was on the Strawberry plants which the school are going to sell sometime soon. We only put small strawberries in the little pots to sell and are going to re plant the big ones and grow new strawberries with those ones. We also mixed some compost with our plants that we are going to sell and we put some in the garden.

Maths- 8.6.16

In Maths this term Lucy, Kate N, Payton, Te-Kira, Ethan, EB, Archie and I are learning easier ways to work out our times tables by Halving, Doubling, Rounding and compensating. I am finding new and helpful ways to help me work out our times tables.

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Anzac Inquiry Nursing

Payton and I really wanted to find out about war nursing. Slides 1 and 2 show what websites we looked at to get more information and there are some photos of wars that have happened.  Slide 4 is a link to a video of the nurses at training is well as some information on the nurses at training and what they did in the training also what medication they used. Slide 5 was a video on somethings that we would take to war now days if we were in their positon. Slide 6 is our story on a shot person. Slide 7 is photos of nurses at the war.

Sunday, May 29, 2016

My Buddy

My buddy is called Angus it is different with a boy buddy because last year i had a girl buddy called Madeline.

 At the moment i have been writing a letter with Angus to his Parents. We really need to work on forming his letters and his numbers properly and not starting from the bottom. He is very good at listening to my instructions also in most things that he does. He loves going on B Bot and maybe he should get it on and ipad at home if he has one.


In clubs every Friday I am on craft and scrapbooking with Miss Kennedy. In my group is my sister Holly, Piper, Anna, Kate S and myself.

Our plan for this is to make a big hardcover book that has lots of photos and then we will leave it in Kereru even when we leave primary school so that other people can look at it is well. To see what we’ve done if their still doing clubs for ideas.

In the first session we were taking a lots of photos for our friendship/sister book. We did some single, group, and sister photos. We took 70 photos in total and we needed to delete some.

I choose scrapbooking because I like art even though i'm not that good at it. All I knew about scrapbooking was that it involved lots of paper and sometimes photos.  The second option I put down was Wood work and the third option i put down was gardening but I am happy with the club I am in.

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

cross country writing

When we first got to cross country i had to run around the year 0-1 girls. Madeline came first! Once we had finished cheering for the younger kids it was time for my race as i walked up to the starting line my heart was pumping and there were butterflies in my tummy the only thing that i was worried about was the clappers. Finally we were off and we started to spread out a bit i was in fourth place i was quite proud of my work once i had finished now i have to do the tri schools.

Monday, May 23, 2016

5 times tables

The sheep pig

At the moment we are reading novel in groups of 4 i'm with Harry, Lucy, Kate N and myself. It is called the sheep pig. Farmer Hogget maybe just have won this sheep pig by guessing the piglets weight. He may or may not guess it right.....     

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

My Weekly Writing {The Great Ostrich Race}

The Great Ostrich race

She turned in the saddle and looked behind her. Emma could see the others gaining on her.

Digging in her heels, she whispered some words of encouragement in jacob the  Jacob’s ear as he burst into full speed. They were making good time, but there was so far still to go as we go up and down hills Jacob gets tired “Come On You Can Do This”! I can hear the others ostriches feet clomping up behind me i suddenly realise that we are going too slow finally we finish the hill climbing now it is a long straight.

My weekly writing [opening doors]

16.5.16 OPENING DOORS!!!

As i walk out of my bedroom suddenly we’re floating in the air. I wonder whats going on? Then i see the other rooms from my house down down down way on the ground i try to shout out but it’s no good....

24.5.16 OPENING DOORS!!!
Suddenly I hear a noise it sounds like my mum shouting “wake up wake up”! Finally i realise it’s just a dream then i wake up and see my wonderful mum staring down on me.

Monday, May 2, 2016

Mass Explain Everything

In class last term Selena and I have been becoming experts in Mass, which is a topic in Measurement. We have made it easier to learn by producing an Explain Everything. We hope that you learn something by watching the clip below.

Monday, April 11, 2016

A recape on my books

I liked these weirdo books because it wasn't too longer pages, it was funny to read and also it was a genre and I like genres.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Books that I have read or nearly onto

I am reading weirdo book 2 at the moment which is even weirder.   


In class we are learning measurement. Selena and I are learning Mass these are the things we 
weighed. To explain to you a bit more in detail i am going start off with the rock. My estimate on the rock was 25 grams. I did a bit more thinking and thought what would sort of be the same as a rock  I measured both my shoes and they were 466grams  i thought that it would be a bit heavier than them. The real thing was 655grams so I wasn't far off.  Next the brick we estimated  1 ton but once we had done it we thought that tons would probably be a bit heavy so my real estimate is about 33 kg becase i 33 kg but it would probably be a bit smaller than me so i thought about 25kg. The real thing was 4.31kg so a bit lighter than I thought. Now the leaf i know that a rubber band is lighter than a gram so i thought that a leaf would be the same and it was less than a gram so you would have to use decimals. The real thing was less than a gram. Last but not least the piece of bark we thought that it would be 0.3 grams and again we used decimals but the real thing was 2 grams. 

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Treaty of Waitangi Hexagon

In class we are learning about the treaty of watangi. Firstly we had to listen and watch the video that we chose. I chose openness and change, its all about trading. Then we had to pick out the facts that we thought were intresting to have on our hexagon. Thats my hexagon up the top of the page.

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Recipes-Easy salted caramel and

Easy salted caramel and banana cups recipe

These salted caramel and banana cups are so easy to make. The caramel sauce somehow manages to make anything you pour it over seem extra special and a bit fancy!
Easy salted caramel and banana cups

Serving Size:




  • 1/3 cup butter (cubed)
  • 1/2 cup light brown sugar
  • 1/4 cup golden syrup
  • 1/2 cup cream
  • 1 pinch salt
  • 4 banana (sliced, small)
  • 1 packet popcorn (lightly salted)


Combine butter, sugar, golden syrup and cream in a small, heavy-based saucepan.
Stir over medium heat until the butter is melted and mixture is a smooth consistency – do not allow to boil. Reduce heat and leave to simmer, for about 5 minutes, stirring occasionally.
Stir through the salt. Remove from heat and set aside to thicken for 20 minutes.
Once the sauce has cooled and thickened, dollop a tablespoon or two into the bottom of serving cups or glasses, then arrange banana slices, top with popcorn and to finish off drizzle over some more caramel sauce.


    If making ahead to serve later, transfer the caramel sauce into a storage jar or tub and keep chilled. It stays spreadable even in the fridge but can be brought back to pouring consistency left out for 10 minutes.
  • Alternatively, you can pour the first layer of caramel into your serving glasses and refrigerate these to cut prep time when ready to serve.
  • This recipe was created by Katie Rainbird for Kidspot, New Zealand's best recipe finder.

Find more delicious dessert recipes

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Recipes- Crumbed chicken

Panko-crumbed chicken schnitzel recipe

This panko-crumbed chicken schnitzel is an extra crunchy version that the whole family will love. 
Panko-crumbed chicken schnitzel

Panko-crumbed chicken schnitzel recipe

You could cut it into small fingers for toddlers or even pack it into lunch boxes.

Serving Size:

6-8 pieces



  • 500g chicken breast fillet
  • 1 cup (150g) plain flour
  • 3 eggs, lightly beaten
  • 1/2 cup (125ml) milk
  • 3 cups panko breadcrumbs
  • vegetable oil for shallow frying


Step 1. Slice the chicken breast into 5mm thick slices.
Step 2. Set up a crumbing station by placing the flour, eggs mixed with milk and breadcrumbs into three shallow bowls.
Step 3. Take each piece of chicken and coat in flour, dip into egg-wash and then gently coat in panko crumbs.
Step 4. Heat oil in a frying pan over high heat and fry the chicken pieces for 3-4 minutes or until golden on both sides and cooked through. Place cooked pieces onto kitchen towel to drain excess oil.


  • You need a light touch with panko crumbs. You don't need to press them into the chicken, just dip and coat.
  • You can also deep-fry these in very hot oil.
  • You can find panko breadcrumbs in the Asian food section of your local supermarket.
  • You can make this schnitzel into a cheese-y Chicken parmigiana for a slight variation.
  • If you are fond of an extra crunchy schnitzel then give this Crunchy chicken schnitzel a go.
  • If you think you need a flavour boost then add some garlic like we have in this Garlic chicken schnitzel.
  • Healthy chicken schnitzel is almost a contradiction but we have managed to reduce the fat in this one.
  • This recipe was created by Jennifer Cheung for Kidspot, New Zealand's best recipe finder.

Recipes- Kids Friendly Chefs Salad Recipe

Kids friendly chefs salad recipe

Sick of hearing 'I hate salad'? Try serving up this kid-friendly 'salad' to your little ones that has fun finger food sticks instead of everything all mixed together.

Kid friendly chefs saladServing Size:




  • 6 cherry tomato (halved)
  • 1/3 capsicum
  • 6 slice 97% fat-free ham (deli)
  • 50 g cheddar cheese


Prepare vegetables – peel and cut carrot into long sticks; cut cucumber into strips, remove inner seeds if you like; slice tomatoes into halves, slice capsicum.
Prepare proteins – roll up ham slices or cut into long strips. Cut cheese into long strips.
Arrange all ingredients on a plate in groups of individual foods so the child can choose what they like.
Serve with soft wholemeal bread and a glass of milk. Let your child eat with their fingers.


  • Cheese and ham are the cornerstone of a Chef’s salad but after that it’s really what you’ve got hanging around in the fridge. Any combo of vegetables and cold meats or chicken works well. Sometimes I like to add green grapes or a few blueberries for a sweet note.
  • If your child is fussy about eating their food separately, arrange the long strips in a nice pattern, grouping the single foods together so “nothing touches each other".
  • This recipe was created by Catherine Saxelby for Kidspot, New Zealand's best recipe finder.

Find more recipes for your kids will love:

Recipes- 3 ingredient Nutella Muffins

                            3 ingredient Nutella Muffins

These 3 ingredient Nutella muffins are a great after-school snack. They are quick and easy and just a little bit naughty!

Serving Size:




  • 1 x 400g jar Nutella
  • 3 eggs, lightly beaten
  • 1 cup (150g) self-raising flour


Step 1. Preheat oven to 180°C (160°C fan-forced). Line a 12-cup muffin tin with liners and set aside.
Step 2. Place Nutella and eggs into a bowl and mix on high speed for 2 minutes. With the mixer running, gradually add the flour until it is all combined.
Step 3. Fill muffin liners evenly with mixture. Bake for 15-17 minutes.
Step 4. Remove from oven and leave in the tin for 5 minutes. Cool further on a wire rack.




At technology this term the yr 7 girls and boys from Loburn school are doing baking. On the first week we made dip with celery, cucumber and carrot. On the second week we made cheesy rolls they were yummy. Don't know what i'm doing this week.

About me

Hi my name is Phoebe i'm an 11 year old girl and i go to Loburn School. I love sport and working on the farm.